Maritime and Boating Claims

According to the U.S. Coast Guard, 651 boating-related deaths occurred in 2012. A significant percentage of the boating accidents that take place each year are preventable. Common boating safety rule violations include carelessness, reckless operation, excessive speed and operator inattention. Alcohol use is a contributing factor in nearly 20 percent of all boating crashes.

Cruise Ship
Millions of passengers board cruise ships each year. The vast majority of these people have little or no experience with ship safety procedures and equipment. To make matters worse, cruise ships present many potentially dangerous situations. From collisions to cabin fires, passengers face risks the moment they board the ship. Consequently, cruise ship operators have a heightened responsibility toward their customers.

The Jones Act
Seamen who are injured on a vessel – regardless of who is at fault – have a right to “maintenance and cure”. These are benefits meant to cover the food and shelter the seaman would have received aboard the vessel if the injury had not happened, plus appropriate medical care and rehabilitation services to bring the seaman to maximum medical improvement.

A seaman is also potentially entitled to damages through the The Jones Act, a federal law that is designed to protect seamen who work on ships, offshore oil rigs, and other sea-going vessels.

At Culmo Trial Attorneys, we have decades of experience investigating and proving boating and maritime claims. If you, a loved one, or someone you know has been injured due to a boating or maritime accident, please contact our firm or fill out a free case evaluation.

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